On the infinite and infinitely changing to-do list in my head, the "Post Thanksgiving Recipe Blog" item has been glaring and tapping its foot for several weeks now ... At this point, I suppose I'll have to politely explain to "Post Thanksgiving Recipe Blog" that I need to bump it onto to next year's to-do, cuz uuhhh ... yeah.
Anyway! I'd really love to post some of the things I've been working on, but that would ruin somebody's Xmas! So in the meantime, here's something that *I* wouldn't mind finding beneath my tree ...
Isn't she gorgeous??? Click the pic and check out the rest of A Little Stranger's custom items - creepy cuddlies galore!
The other night, whilst browsing through etsy's selection of "plushie monsters," I happened upon this amazing thing:
How adorable is this??? I love the faces on the little peas - I want them to come to life and bounce around and be my little friends ... The title is "Leaning Tower of Peas" and it is a felted wool sculpture created by Kit Lane. I'd never heard of wool felting before, so of course I had to find out how it's done -
Looks time consuming, tedious and intensely satisfying! I'll have to give it a try one day ... Here's another of Kit's sculptures. "Snow Peas in Strangeland." Note the raccoon skull in the back - too cool.
Oh and these guys too - they're how I found her shop in the first place. I love them and I want an army of them to vanquish mine enemies.
Last night I was talking to Aaron about drinking cider & passing out candy to all the widdle childrens, and apparently I took on a glow that he hadn't really seen before. "This is your favorite holiday, isn't it?" he asked.
"Yes," I affirmed, "it's the best holiday ever."
I mean, when else do I get an excuse to don my electric blue wig & spend an exorbitant amount of time painting up my face in full drag makeup? And people are throwing awesome parties and you can pour lots of brandy in your apple cider and pumpkins and leaves and and and and ... (Here our heroine deteriorates into a happy-puppy-esque wiggle dance that you'd just have to see to understand. Wiggle dance winds down, blogging continues.)
Here's my attempt at drag make up.
I spent an entire day combing youtube for drag tutorials -entirely too much fun, by the by. If anyone ever needs tips, Ms. Blanche Babcock (http://www.youtube.com/user/BlancheBabcock?feature=chclk) is the be-all, end-all in drag tutorials. She has so many videos & so many different looks ... But the concept for my eyes was inspired by this:
How cute is he???
In other Halloween cuteness, we had our annual pumpkin decorating contest at work. In case you missed my entry for last year, here's how serious I am about this contest:
The face was painstakingly hand-painted, and the horns & paws were made out of cardboard, felt & thread. Yes, thread - all the shading is actually stitched on. It was maddening & intensely satisfying all at once. And even though I invested three whole days of my life into this guy, it didn't even make third place. I was a little bummed.
So this year, I decided to go even harder.
Take that, pumpkin contest! Our department won 2nd place and funniest pumpkin. I'm comfortable with that. :D
Puss' body is a large pumpkin covered in fleece & fun fur. His arms, legs & tail were sewn & stuffed & attached with straight pins. I painted a smaller pumpkin & attached it to the body with kebab skewers, then attached a foam pirate hat. All the decorated pumpkins were donated to a children's hospital.
Also, note the slightly crazed expression on his face. Kinda reminds me of this guy, another foundling: my baby Douchie Bear!
He has pretty much quintupled in size since we brought him home from the APL, but the gape-mouthed yelling remains much the same.
On to the final portion of this entry, I found winter boots!!! They fit, they're warm, they're cute and they're almost even comfortable! Oh, and they're thrifted. Super score. ('Scuze the poor quality, folks. One day I'll get a big girl phone with a decent camera. Until then ... use your imaginations, I guess.) I took them out for a spin the other day and I felt really cute in this outfit.
The miniature bear cub bathing her privates in the background is Pigeon - say hi, Pigeon!
I'm trying to tell you guys, I'm amazing. (... and I'm modest too! Hardy har har ...)
This may be a bit of a rambler, but there'll be good music along the way so ... yeah!
Once upon a time, I fell in love with a song.
Whenever I fall into this kind of love, I tend to go on relentless pursuits for any and all similar/related material. Bonobo I'd heard of before, but Nostalgia 77 was new to me. So I dug around on youtube, liked what I heard, and decided to see if the library had any of his/their CDs. They didn't, but they did have a movie soundtrack that featured a Nostalgia 77 remix. I really like finding mixes & compilations, because that means more new stuff to find - Eureka!!!
While listening through the disc for the first time, a familiar guitar riff caught my ear ...
Turns out it's a cover ...
... but what I recognized the riff from was a song my sister hipped me to, and it goes a little something like this ...
Whilst expressing my love for Glass Candy's version, my guy (who is far more well versed in old school hip-hop than I will ever be) told me that the track came from the Geto Boys' "My Mind Playing Tricks on Me."
So there you have it - the interconnectedness of music and my amazingness for randomly stumbling upon it all. Now I'm off to investigate this El Michels Affair business ... Maybe I'll be back in a week or two with another musical storyline for you ...
I've been thinking about starting a blog for quite a while now, but I couldn't really figure out WHY. I mean, I'm as much of a compulsive self-discloser as the next guy, but I felt like I had to have a theme or some sort of purpose in order to start a blog. I suppose I could subject folks to meaningless e-blather about the minutiae of my life, but then I realized that even I wouldn't want to read that.
So finally, after years (yes, years - judge not lest I call you a jerk ...) of pondering, I finally figured it out: I'm really good at finding things. If you don't know me personally, that may not make a lot of sense, but I promise you, there is an awesome-magnet planted within my brain. No matter where I go, I am destined to stumble across something that is unique and fabulous and life-enhancing in some way or another. Also, it's usually free or extremely cheap. I like to attribute this to a combination of luck, an open mind, and a mild obsession with re-creating & re-purposing. This blog is where I'll share my thrift store finds, books & movies I discover at the library, and maybe even some suggestively-shaped driftwood I dredged up from the beach.
And so, without further ado, I welcome you to tUftd's foundlings! Have a look at this amazing dress I found yesterday!
It's very church lady chic, which amuses me to no end because I'm about as un-church lady as it gets. I plan to wear this little number with whitish/grayish Victorian-style booties (also foundlings) and a diaphanous aqua scarf.
I love that word so much I need to write it again: diaphanous. *shiver*